Tips for keeping slices crispy

Posted August 2024
Corn Thins Crispbread range shot

Corn Thins is changing its packaging to single layer. This will happen to our entire range throughout 2024 & 2025. This change was unavoidable as all non-essential packaging will be banned in Australia by the end of 2025 and in some countries, such as the UK, this is already the case.


The great positive from removing the outer bag, is that this reduces our plastics usage by 46%, which is great for the environment


We do know that people liked the external plastic bag, as it assisted with resealing the inner foil packaging once the pack was opened, so we have included a resealable sticker on all packs to assist with resealing.


Here are some tips on how to ensure the resealable sticker works best.

  • Rather than tearing open the pack, cut the top of the pack (the seal area) is cut off with scissors. This ensures there is the maximum amount of packaging to reseal the pack.
  • Once a few slices have been removed from the opened pack, reseal the pack by folding down the packaging (rather than twisting it closed),
  • Then stick the folded packaging down with the resealable sticker- 
  • Firmly press along the entire resealable sticker.


I have uploaded a video of this on Facebook  Video of Tips to best keep Corn Thins slices fresh


If you can't be bothered with the resealable sticker, a peg, or bull clip are also good alternatives for resealing the pack to keep the air out. If you want a little fun, we have also discovered these great value chip clips at K-mart  (Chip Clips Aus K-mart , Chip Clips NZ K-mart)


Some good news concerning a suitable round containers is we have found a few resealable containers. Within Australia we found in Woolworths, which is the perfect size for Corn Thins products Decor Glass Container AUS . There is also one in K-mart Glass Container AUS K-Mart. This container can also be found in NZ K-mart Glass Container NZ K-mart .

To ensure Corn Thins slices remain fresh for longest, it is always best to reseal the slices in the Corn Thins packaging before placing in the air-tight container.

We will add more suitable air-tight containers to this page as we discover them.


The new printed Corn Thins foil packaging is same packaging material as plain foil packaging that was in the plastic bag packaging, so if the pack is sealed well (with the sticker, peg or clip), the Corn Thins slices will stay fresh for as long as they used to when there was the additional outer plastic bag.

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