Recap of the Recipes of The Month for June and Seasonal Produce of the Month Benefits

Posted September 2022
avocado and hot sauce on Corn Thins slices

Did you miss June recipe of the month or the health benefits of delicious produce chosen for July to August? This blog is for you as below there is a recap of these three months?

Make sure you are following @cornthins_original on Instagram and Facebook so you do not miss another recipe of the month ever again! There are also loads of other recipes to try on the Corn Thins website



Recipe of the month: June

Tomato, Garlic, Capers, Anchovy and Parsley

tomato, garlic, capers, anchovy & parsley on Corn Thins slices


This recipe of the month is perfect for breakfast, lunch, or dinner! Anchovies are small but pack a big nutrition punch. They are a rich source of essential omega-3 fat. This polyunsaturated fat has many health benefits from your body including having strong anti-inflammatory properties. The type of omega-3 fat found in anchovies is a good source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) omega-3 fats. DHA is the main source of fat used by your brain. Also, DHA and EPA are the types of omega-3 fats which are more easily used by your body compared to plant-based omega-3 fat called alpha linoleic acid (ALA).

Tomato, garlic, capers, and parsley all give your body different nutrients. Tomatoes are a great source of lycopene which supports heart health and prostate health. Garlic has a compound called allicin which helps your immune system to function at its best. Parsley and capers provide your body with vitamin K which helps your blood to clot normally.

This recipe brings new life to traditional anchovies on toast thanks to the delicious crunch of the Corn Thins slices. These wholegrain corn cakes give your body a range of health benefits including fibre to support your gut health. Also, B vitamins which are needed for your body to make energy from the food you eat. You may not know that wholegrains also provide your body with antioxidants which help to fight off excess free radicals which can cause damage and disease to the cells of your body. If you think anchovies are outdated to include in a meal this is a must try recipe which will prove you wrong.


Produce of the Month - July


 alfalfa, cucumber, avocado & goats cheese on Corn Thins slices

There is no denying that avocados are one of the trendiest fruits around.  Avocados are a great source of vitamin E which acts as an antioxidant to help fight off excess free radicals which, in excess, can cause damage and disease to the cells of your body. Vitamin E also helps to keep your skin looking its best.

Avocados are a good source of B vitamins 2,3, 5, 6 and folate. B vitamins are needed to make energy from the food you eat. Folate is needed to help repair and make new DNA. Also, vitamin K which is a fat-soluble vitamin needed to allow your blood to clot normally.

Avocados are one of the few fruits rich in healthy monounsaturated fat. This type of fat supports heart health, and the fat helps your body to absorb the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. On top of this avocados are a good source of fibre which helps to keep your gut healthy and keeps you feeling fuller for longer. 50g gives you around 3.4g of dietary fibre. To help portion your fruit, 50g or around ¼ of an avocado gives your body one of the needed two serves of fruit a day. How are you going to enjoy eating an avocado today?



Produce of the Month - August



whipped cream, orange, kiwifruit & strawberry on Corn Thins slices

Kiwi fruits are a great source of vitamins C, E, K, folate, carotenoids, potassium, phytochemicals, and fibre.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and plays an important role in keeping your immune system working at its best. Vitamin C is also needed to make the protein collagen. Collagen is needed for strong ligaments and tendons as well as youthful looking skin.

The dietary fibre found in a kiwi fruit helps improve symptoms of constipation and promotes healthy bowel health and digestion. Kiwi fruit has 3.4g of dietary fibre per 100g. The soluble fibre and phytochemicals found in kiwi fruit are also a food source for the health promoting gut microbes.

The soluble fibre in kiwi fruit also promotes optimal gut health by softening your stool and making it more comfortable to pass. In addition to this, kiwi fruit has amazing water retaining ability with more than four times the capacity of bran fibre and two times the capacity of an apple. This means it can bind to more of the insoluble type of fibre which helps move your stool through and supports normal and comfortable trips to the bathroom.

In addition to these components, kiwi fruit is the perfect fruit to aid digestion thanks to an enzyme called actinidin. This enzyme helps your body to digest proteins, especially in seafood, dairy, and meat. In addition to this actinidin increases the rate that the contents in your gut move through called gastric emptying. This may help reduce symptoms of bloating after a protein rich meal. Make sure you put kiwifruit on your shopping list. 



Ashleigh Felth…
Accredited Practising Dietitian
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