Corn Thins Wagon Wheels

Posted February 2021
Recipe Image
Corn Thins Wagon Wheels
Recipe Time
10 mins

Place mashmallows onto baking paper & either heat in the microwave, or the oven till warm (this won't take long).

Melt dark chocolate in the microwave. Check the microwave every 30 secs till the chocolate is runny. Don't overheat, or the chocolate will go hard.

Layer raspberry jam onto the inside of one or both CORN THINS slices, then place 3-4 warmed marshmallows between the 2 CORN THINS slices. Drizzle, dip or brush with the melted chocolate (or Nutella). Now its time to enjoy.


CORN THINS slices (2 per wagon wheel)

Marshmallows (3-4 per wagon wheel)

Raspberry Jam

Dark Chocolate, or Nutella

  • Article By:
    • Madeleine

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