Actions to Improve Your Mental and Physical Health During Home Lockdown

Posted March 2020
Honeydew melon, prosciutto & mint on Corn Thins slices

There is a lot about the current global situation which is out of your control. You are not alone if you are feeling overwhelmed and anxious. Firstly, it is important to remember that you are not alone, and physical separation does not mean social isolation. You do have control over many things which can support your mental and physical health through this period. Try adding these ideas into your day:


  1. Connect with Others

Physical separation does not mean social isolation. This is where social media can be a powerful tool to connect with friends and family. Take the time to share something positive with others daily and ask your friends and family to do the same. This can create a wave effect and before you know it your social media pages will be promoting positivity and mental wellness rather than anxiety. You may like to face time a friend or family member each day to check in on how the other is feeling.


  1. Doing Nothing is Productive

7-9 hours’ sleep are needed for most for health. This keeps your mind and body feeling at its best. Having enough sleep also helps to increase your T cells which help fight infections in your body. Just one 4-hour night sleep can reduce your natural killer cells (another immune fighting cell in your body) by 70%!


  1. Stop and Breathe

Stress can be detrimental to your health. It causes the release of cortisol which is good in small doses but if released for extended periods dampens your immune system. Try going for a walk outside, watching a fun movie, yoga or meditation, colouring in or taking a walk. A bonus to getting out in the sun is vitamin D is linked to both mental wellness and keeping your immune system working as it should.


  1. Move it Move it!

The benefits of exercise are endless. Stress relief and a sense of control and endorphins are priceless. To add another benefit, you are less likely to get a cold when you exercise at a moderate level. You might not be able to go to your usual gym or yoga class, but if you are well, take advantage of your beautiful outdoors and jog, walk, or cycle to get your body moving. The key is to move in ways which makes you happy and which you enjoy.


  1. You Are What You Eat

A balanced diet rich in whole grains, lean meats and dairy or alternatives, fruits and vegetables is key to feeling fantastic inside and out. Not one food can provide all the nutrition your body needs for optimal health but here are a few top picks to try to get your hands on (if available from the supermarket):

• Whole grains – CORN THINS™ range, Couscous, Brown rice and pasta, quinoa, corn (take your pick). Whole grains are a source of prebiotics, meaning they feed the healthy bacteria called probiotics which play a role keeping your body’s immune system strong and metabolism functioning optimally.

On top of this the whole grains provide vitamins and mineral the refined grains don’t like B vitamins. B vitamins are important for many functions which include making energy from the food you eat and B6 is important to keep your immune system working normally. Whole grains are also a great source of fibre and low GI carbohydrate to keep the munchies away for longer.

• Yogurt (low GI, high in protein to keep you feeling fuller for longer as well as a source of probiotics.)

• Berries (High in fibre as well as many antioxidants, vitamins and minerals to help your body’s cells work at their optimum and keep nasty cold and viruses away). You may not be able to get fresh ones at the moment, but the frozen ones in most supermarkets are just as good.

Lentils/Beans - These mighty legumes are not only tasty but have a slow releasing energy which keeps your blood sugar stable and fuller for longer. Legumes and beans are prebiotics which feed the good bacteria in your gut. These play many important roles from immune health, organ health and metabolism. Legumes are a great source of protein too also non animal source iron which is important if you are following a vegan style diet.

• Sweet potato (A source of vitamin A which is linked to strong immune function as well as being high in fibre and low GI keeping you feeling fuller for longer). These are also perfect during these times, as keep for weeks if store in a dark cool space.

• Spinach/Kale (A great source of vitamins and minerals to keep your body strong and healthy)

• Fish (Research has linked fish to many health benefits including improvements in mood. This meat source is also a great source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, iodine and vitamin D to keep your bones strong, skin healthy and mind sharp). Tinned fish is fine, but aim for canned in spring water rather than the flavoured varieties with added sugar and salt.

A few suggestions:

From this list you can create a smorgasbord of meals, here are some examples to get you started:

Snack Ideas:

1. 200g low fat yogurt with half a cup of berries and a small handful of nuts.

2. 2-3 CORN THINS™ slices topped with tuna (95g in spring water) with a handful of spinach or kale.


Lunch or dinner ideas:

1. Half a cup of brown rice and a sauce using a cup of spinach, tomato and any other vegetables you desire with 100g salmon.

2. Warm Sweet Potato Salad. Roast the sweet potato in slices cooked in olive oil and seasoned with herbs and spices of your choice, add a cup of spinach or kale, a small handful of walnuts and half a cup of couscous.

3. Half a cup of wholegrain pasta topped with sauce using tinned tomatoes, basil and oregano as herbs, 100g tinned tuna in spring water, olives and a small handful of low-fat cheese.

4. Healthy doesn’t need to be complicated. Try 2-3 of your favourite CORN THINS slices. Microwave 1 small can of low sodium no added sugar baked beans and stir in 40g of low fat cheddar. Complete the meal with a side of your favourite veggies like 1/2 cup cooked spinach (can be from frozen packet), mushrooms, an oven baked tomato or 1/4 avocado.


Take home message: You do have control over many aspects of your life which control your mental and physical health. You deserve to be your best no matter what life throws at you and remember you will get through this and you will be stronger and hopefully smarter too!

  • Article By:
    • Ashleigh Felth…