5 Minerals to Support an Optimal Functioning Immune System

No one likes getting sick. The system which is responsible for keeping you feeling your best is your immune system. Having an optimal functioning immune system help you to not get sick so often and be as sick for as long. There are many factors which impact your immune system including stress, sleep, and your diet. Your diet plays a major role in influencing how well your immune system functions. There are many nutrients which support your immune system and one of these are minerals.
Minerals are needed in small amounts but play many key roles in promoting normal function in your body, including your immune system. Five key minerals linked to an optimal functioning immune system are magnesium, selenium, iron, zinc, and copper.
Magnesium plays many important roles in promoting an optimal immune system. It influences the functioning of your adaptive and innate immune system. Your innate immune system is your body’s first line of defense against germs and viruses entering your body. Your adaptive immune system is your body’s second line of defense and takes over if your innate immune system is not able to kill off the germs. This type of immune system has memory of germs that your body has been previously exposed to. This allows your body to respond faster next time your body encounters the same germs.
One important function magnesium plays to reduce your risk of infection is it is a cofactor for vitamin D. Magnesium influences how much vitamin D can be formed. This fat-soluble vitamin is needed to support your immune system to work at its best. Good sources of magnesium include fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, or whole grain containing foods like Corn Thins slices.
Zinc promotes optimal functioning of your innate and adaptive immune systems. It also helps to fight off viruses and reduce your risk of falling sick from a virus. Good sources of zinc include seafood, beef, pork, cheese, milk, eggs, and nuts.
Copper is needed for a competently functioning immune system. Good sources of copper include beef liver, oysters, potato, cashew nuts, sunflower seeds, salmon, tofu, turkey, chickpeas, and whole grains, or whole grain containing foods like Corn Thins slices.
Iron is essential for immune system development and function. It is essential to ensure that the cells of your immune system can be created and dispersed to kill foreign invaders in your body efficiently. Good sources of iron include animal meats like red meat, and poultry. Also, seafood, eggs, tofu, dried fruit, and fortified cereal and beverages.
Selenium is the fifth identified important mineral for optimal immune system functioning. It is essential to help to regulate inflammation and your immune system. Research suggests that selenium may play an important role in combating the effects of SARS-CoV-2. A study found those patients who survived the SARS-CoV-2 had higher levels of selenium compared to those patients who did not survive the virus. Good sources of selenium include brown rice, oats, sunflower seeds, brazil nuts, mushrooms, meat, tuna, salmon, and shellfish.
Take home message: Eating an overall balanced diet will help you meet your body’s daily mineral needs to support an optimal functioning immune system. If you are not sure if your diet is balanced the most appropriate professional to reach out to is an Accredited Practising Dietitian who can help you meet you tailor your diet to meet your individual needs.
- Weyh C, Krüger K, Peeling P, Castell L. The Role of Minerals in the Optimal Functioning of the Immune System. Nutrients. 2022; 14(3):644. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu14030644
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- Copper. Fact Sheet for Health Professionals. National Institutes of Health. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Copper-HealthProfessional/#h3
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