Ham & Prosciutto Pizza
Pre-heat oven to about 180C
Spread some tomato paste across each CORN THINS slice, then layer on your preferred amount of ham & prosciutto. Pop on a few pieces of pineapple, then some mozzarella cheese. Finish off by sprinkling a small amount of chilli flakes, then 1 - 2 basil leaves.
Place topped CORN THINS slices on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Place tray in the oven for about 10 mins or until the cheese has melted. Remove from the oven, cool a little, then enjoy.
3 CORN THINS slices
Ham slices
Prosciutto slices
Pineapple (canned or fresh - diced)
Mozzarella cheese
Bazil leaves
Tomato paste
Chilli flakes
Still Hungry?
Still Hungry, then why not try something else. Check what is in your fridge or pantry, or view any of our other CORN THINS recipes for some tasty ideas.