Ashleigh Feltham's 3 Favourite Real Foods Products

Posted July 2020
Rocket, chicken, strawberry, feta & balsamic glaze on CORN THINS slices

They say a picture says a thousand words. I am a big fan of the entire range of Real foods products but if I had to select my top 3 picks these are the winners. I focused on the varieties which had the best fibre and were a source of whole grains. Saying this, the refined choices have their place also for example before exercise a low fat and fibre meal or snack is the best choice. Fat and fibre are slow to be digested and can cause gut disturbance during your workout. Another reason these are my favourites are their moderate ranking of sodium which supports healthy blood pressure. Another reason I am a fan of all the varieties of Real foods products is that different grains provide different nutrition benefits for your body.


Ashleigh's 3 favourite products




















Take home message: I am an advocate for all the products at Real Foods, but these are the 3 varieties I have as a staple in my kitchen cupboard.


  • Article By:
    • Ashleigh Felth…