Crunchy Harvest Chicken Salad

Posted May 2024
Recipe Image
Crunchy Harvest Chicken Salad with Corn Thins crumbs
Recipe Time
30 - 40 minutes plus marinating
Recipe Serves
serves 4

Jacqueline Alwill from Good Chef Bad Chef developed this delicious recipe using Corn Thins slices to add a crunchy texture to this simple, easy recipe.


Marinate the chicken breast for 1-2 hours (or overnight if time allows) by combining smoky paprika, garlic and extra virgin olive oil in a bowl, then coat the whole chicken breasts with the marinade.

When ready to cook, heat the oven to 180°C (fan forced), place the chicken in a baking tray, and cook for 25 - 30 minutes or until tender.

Whilst the chicken cooks, prepare the salad. Crush Corn Thins slices until they are about 5 mm size pieces, into a bowl and set aside. Combine kale, rocket, parsley, mint and onion in a large bowl and toss. Whisk ingredients for dressing in a small bowl. Drizzle salad with dressing, season and toss again, then arrange on a serving platter or divide between bowls. Sprinkle with chopped hazelnuts and crushed Corn Thins slices.

Slice apple and avocado and arrange around platter or bowls. Slice cooked chicken and arrange around the salad. Add a good grind of black pepper and some grated parmesan if desired and tuck in.



500g chicken breast

2 tsp smoky paprika

2 cloves garlic, finely sliced

1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil



3 Corn Thins slices

3 cups kale, torn into small pieces

2 cups rocket leaves

½ bunch parsley, leaves picked, stalks finely chopped

1 cup mint leaves, picked

¼ red onion, finely chopped

2 red/jazz apples, core removed and finely sliced

2 avocados, diced

½ cup hazelnuts, roughly chopped

Parmesan (optional)



2 tbsp red wine vinegar

⅓ cup extra virgin olive oil

1 tsp Dijon mustard

  • Article By:
    • Madeleine

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